Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lotsa Stuff!

Ah.....another couple weeks have gone by, and we haven't updated, because our weekends have been short and busy! Since our last blog, we had the chance to see Jason Mraz in concert at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle. He played 2 shows, and we were fortunate enough to catch his Acoustic only set last monday. The concert was great! There were too many teeny boppers screaming and cheering, but his performance was fantastic. He's got a great sound and we've been following him for years. I'm sure most have heard his song "I'm Yours" as it is being played ad nauseum across the country on every top 40 station, but he has many great songs and we had a great time. After that we had a short work week and took a 4 day Mckenzie course Thursday through Sunday. The continuing education course was for the low back with some sacroiliac assessment mixed in. Overall, the course was pretty good, our lecturer was great, but we will see how well this "assessment" tool translates into the clinic. After the course one evening, we went to a sushi restaurant called "I love sushi" and I finally got to try Geoduck. Pronounced Gooey duck, it is a clam shaped animal but with a phalic like protuberance that sticks up from the shell. I first saw it from the show "Dirty Jobs" when Mike Rowe was digging for Geoducks in the Puget Sound. It was cooked in this butter sauce, and was quite interesting. Amy thought it tasted just like clams, but i thought the texture was a bit different. On the last day of the course we went to Seattle for lunch at Lowell's in Pike's Market and went to Bruce Lee's grave where he is buried next to his son. We also drove down the infamous broadway street, the mecca of "alternative lifestyles" in seattle, which was filled with little shops and restaurants.
This weekend we had a short weekend since we worked Monday to make up for having off on thursday for thanksgiving. Saturday we were going to go into Yakima valley to do some wine tasting, but the Snoqualmie Pass (where I-90 goes east through the mountains) had hit a bit of snow and they were saying the roads were a bit dangerous. So, we decided to go south to Portland and hit a few wineries there, and then take advantage of some tax free shopping in Oregon. The wineries we tried were good and amy bought a few things here and there for stocking stuffer items at the outlets. This AM we ran errands in anticipation of our Thanksgiving dinner and Amy's Birthday this weekend!! Until next week!

Here's a picture of our humble abode in what may have been the last of the beautiful and sunny autumn days.

Check out all the snow on Mt Rainer as seen from I-5 heading south out of Seattle.

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